Breathwork For Stress Reduction

There are many wonderful techniques to help us with our mental health and well-being.

And today I wanted to share with you a practice that is becoming increasingly popular – Breathwork!

Essentially breathwork is conscious controlled breathing techniques and exercises that help our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

While the tradition of breathwork has been used in yoga and meditation for centuries, and becoming increasingly popular with practitioners like Wim Hof promoting it, researchers are now able to prove that it has an abundance of benefits.

In fact, recent studies showed that breathwork was able to:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve focus
  • Increase motivation levels
  • Improve creativity
  • Lower blood pressure and improve circulation
  • Decrease physical pain
  • Boost digestion
  • Improve sleep
  • Help heal trauma
  • And aid depression

So, I am sure you would agree with me when I say that the practice of breathwork is a really powerful tool.

It is effective, it is proven, it is simple, and we can access it at any time we like.

And because there is no time like the present, I am going to get you kickstarted with a really simple exercise called the 4 x 4 breath. Also known as box breathing.

Before we begin, I will quickly talk you through the breathing technique

Essentially you will take a deep inhale of air through the nose for a count of 4

Then hold your breath for the count of 4

Exhale the breath out through your mouth for a count of 4

Hold the breath out for a count of 4

And then repeat.


So let’s try it.


When you are ready, close your eyes

Relax your face

Relax your shoulders

Take an deep inhale through the nose – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath – 1/2/3/4

Exhale through the mouth – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath out – 1/ 2/ 3 4


inhale deeply through the nose – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath – 1/2/3/4

Exhale through the mouth – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath out – 1/ 2/ 3 4


Take a deep inhale through the nose – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath – 1/2/3/4

Exhale through the mouth – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath out – 1/ 2/ 3 4


inhale deeply through the nose – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath – 1/2/3/4

Exhale through the mouth – 1/2/3/4

Hold the breath out – 1/ 2/ 3 4


When you are ready gently open your eyes.

This is a fantastic breath for bringing you back to a centred and calm state

It is super helpful for stress management and also heightens performance and concentration

So an all-round breath.

If you are keen to know more about breathwork and would like to run a team session on powerful breathing techniques, please reach out to us and we will book you in with our breathing expert and partner in well-being program, Kylie Paatsch.