Promote your business through a business video as part of a Geelong Chamber member campaign
Video is the way to go when promoting your business. Nothing is as authentic as the moving image. Business videos provide an outstanding opportunity to showcase yourself and your business, putting your name (and your face) out there, as well as getting (and staying!) front of mind for your target audience.
Reasons to take part in a Geelong Chamber business video campaign
In our previous article on ‘5 reasons why businesses should include video in their marketing strategy’, we wrote that 87% of video marketers reported video gives them a positive return on invest. Studies have also found that 1 minute of video is equal to 1.8 Million words to your audience. So instead of writing pages after pages of content to your audience, why not record a simple video? Research has also found that viewers retain 95% of a message when obtained via video. This is where our Geelong Chamber member campaigns come in.
Showcasing our unique members
At the Geelong Chamber we put out business video campaigns for our members to send in their user-generated content multiple times during the year. We want to showcase you – our unique members. Whether you’re looking to increase your reach, create awareness for your brand, form new partnerships or gain new clients. We are here to support you in reaching your business goals.
Across our social media, the member video campaigns generate an impressive number of views, clicks, comments and shares. Our ‘We’re open for business’ campaign videos reached 23,304 people and received 1,482 engagements alone – a huge win for our member community! And the best part? It’s part of our Geelong Chamber membership offering, so members don’t have to pay anything extra to be included in the campaign.
Have a look at our campaign recap video for the ‘We’re open for business campaign’:
Our top tips to create an outstanding business video for a Geelong Chamber campaign
You’re not a video expert? You’ve never filmed yourself in your life? You’re camera shy? Let’s take a step back and get you up and running so you can shine in the limelight.
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken
Authenticity is the key when it comes to standing in front of the camera. We want to hear from you. Tell us who you are and what you do. Where to film yourself? Wherever you feel most comfortable. In front of your business? In your home office? In your praxis? Next to your car? On your couch with your cat? We’ve seen it all and the videos are all equally great. Steven Spielberg said once “You shouldn’t dream your film, you should make it!”. In that sense, don’t worry about being a video superstar, you already are by starting the process.
Your phone camera records in HD
You don’t need a fancy camera to film a business video for one of our member campaigns. Just use your smartphone. Phone lenses these days are just as good – and in some cases even better – than an expensive DSL camera or camcorder. Every new smartphone records in HD, that’s 1280 x 720 pixels or even full HD at 1920 x 1080 pixels – the same resolution as any netflix movie. Just remember to film yourself in good lighting (not in the dark) and in a horizontal form, please.
What to say
Some people are naturals in the spotlight. Others need a bit more practice. If you belong to the later, take your time and script out what you want to say in your video. Our member business video campaigns are designed for you to tell us about yourself. Tell us what makes your business unique, what you’re proud of. Tell us your story. Maybe write yourself a few notes on what you want to say, practice, and then go for it. You can also stick your notes on your wall so you can have a glance at them while you record your video.
Power pose and go!
For those that are camera shy, don’t overthink what you’re going to say or do. Practice makes perfect, so do take time for a few takes and don’t rush yourself. However, most times you’ll find that your first take was just right. If in doubt, this little trick really does work: Power pose. According to Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, power posing has proven to make you look and feel more confident. Put your hands on your hips, stand upright, lift your chest and smile. Then start your video recording. Give it a go.
Keep it short and simple
A recent study by Microsoft suggests the attention span of humans has dropped to 8 seconds (!). So how long should your video be? Try to say your most important message at the start of your video in the first 8 seconds. Film one take of yourself. Otherwise keep it short and simple. Your video should be between 30 to 60 seconds long in total as that’s the ideal amount for us to post on our social channels.
Stay up to date with the Chamber’s business video campaigns
We are here to support you in promoting and growing your business through business videos and member campaigns. As a new member, we encourage you to send in a video introducing yourself to our membership community and telling us a bit about what you do and why you joined the Chamber. For all other members, we have membership video campaigns running multiple times throughout the year. This is a unique opportunity for you to say hi to our members, give your business a spruce and be a part of a joint campaign crosspromoting our members. Stay up to date with the Chambers’ business video campaigns by following our socials, signing up to our newsletters or visiting our member campaigns page. If you have any questions, reach out to us at
Smile, you’ve got this
Most importantly, have fun with your business video. Don’t forget to smile. Follow the above steps and send in a video that will create awareness for your business and for yourself as a local professional in your field. You’ll be surprised how many people will come up to you at the next After 5 to say hello and that they loved your video! Take part in one of our campaigns showcasing your unique business and be a part of our vibrant business community. We can’t wait to hear from you.
This article was written by Christina.
Christina Street is the Geelong Chamber’s Digital Marketing & Content Development Specialist. With a background in video production and online marketing, Christina heads our marketing team at the Geelong Chamber. Christina has a passion for creative content and looks forward to seeing your stories come to life.