Recorded on the 23rd of April 2020
Our expert panel:
- Andy Pobjoy, Owner/ Entertainer at Piano Bar Group
- Brandon Burns, Head of Community at Runway
- Melinda Clarke, Founder/ Producer at The Melbourne Map
- Sam Vogel, Provenance Wines
- It has been a shock to businesses in the first stages of the COVID-19. Take a couple of days, re-group and assess how you are going to create revenue streams, in some cases where you have never thought of generating revenue from.
- Utilize technology where you can. We all have access to video streaming technology right in our pockets with our mobile phones. If you have to invest in the technology to be able to deliver a quality experience look into that. If you’re in entertainment use video streaming to reach your audience, your audience is there and they are isolated and crave entertainment.
- If you’re a retailer, take your products online for your customers to be able to access, use EDM’s to notify them and your social media channels.
- Stay relevant and make sure your customers know you are there and still trading, if you are now online, remain active.
- There are always opportunities in any situation. Businesses see the value in having staff work remotely and assessing how offices will be laid out after the crisis is over.
- This crisis may very well change how we work in an office setting. Co-working spaces are looking more inviting for businesses, especially startups and small businesses.
- This is a great time to reassess how your business is run. Are there things you can cut back on? Are there things you could do better whether it’s operational or financial? Looking inward is always a positive way to start to reassess when things look like they are coming to a halt.
- Plan for what is going to happen after this is all over, make sure your product or service will be in the best people position when this is all over.
- How your brand performs during a time of crisis is just as or more important than how it performs and is seen during normal circumstances.