Following recent survey results collated from the business community, the Geelong Chamber of Commerce has released its key findings and business community feedback on the proposed Lara Waste to Energy Incinerator project – and it’s clear the development has ignited debate.
Geelong Chamber of Commerce CEO, Jeremy Crawford commented “The survey was released to gather real-time data and feedback from our business leaders. The Chamber’s extensive membership base and business community reach stretches across the region and it’s important with gather objective data to accurately represent the views of our business community.’
Economic Growth or Environmental Risk?
43% of respondents see the project’s potential economic opportunity as positive, whilst 57% of respondents agreed there would be a negative economic impact or no economic potential, with fears of air pollution, health risks, and damage to Geelong’s growing reputation as a vibrant and forward-thinking city.
Presenting a true representation of the results, those in favour, despite being the minority view, presented feedback including: “Bringing economic prosperity to the [lowest socio-economic] part of the Geelong region can only benefit this district and whole of Geelong should embrace this” with one additional respondent commenting “We need jobs where we live and this is good for our community.”
62% of respondents believe the project will have a strong or somewhat negative impact on attracting investment and tourism and impact visitor’s perception of the region.
Most glaring of all was the question put to the community; In your opinion , how might the location of the waste incinerator in a fast-growing residential corridor affect Geelong’s housing and workforce development potential? 68% of respondents believe the project will somewhat or significantly impact housing and workforce potential.
Health and Environmental Fears Dominate the Conversation
Air pollution, harmful emissions, and the proximity of the project to residential areas are top of mind for many, with calls for the development to be relocated to a more remote, industrial zone. 64% of those surveyed are concerned about the environmental and health impacts.
With only 15% of respondents unconcerned about the visual impacts, most respondents considered the region’s entrance and overall image will be impacted by the 80-meter chimney that would forever change the city’s landscape.
When asked about environmental concerns, nearly half of respondents voiced significant alarm over potential air quality deterioration and the project’s emissions. One participant captured the community’s fears, stating: “The visual impact and health risks this incinerator brings to our doorstep are just too great. It’s a step backward for our community.”
One respondent commented: “Burning waste should be a last resort – this project would see Geelong become the burning ground for Melbourne’s rubbish.” This sentiment is echoed by the 54% of respondents who believe the project clashes with Geelong’s vision as a UNESCO City of Design and reputation as a vibrant and progressive community.
An Outdated Approach?
A staggering number of respondents also raised the issue of outdated technology. One poignant comment summed up the sentiment: “We need to steer toward a circular economy, and clean production of energy, not burn waste. This project is pushing old-world thinking that could delay our transition to cleaner energy.”
The Geelong community appears to be rallying against incineration but not without debate and alternative views with multiple calls to invest in more sustainable waste management solutions. “Why aren’t we leading with renewables?” questioned one business leader, reflecting the frustration of those seeking a greener future for the region.
Relocation or Cancellation?
Despite some support for its benefits, only 19% of respondents are happy with the project’s proposed location. Many urged that if the project were to proceed, it must be relocated to a less visible and less residentially dense area. With one resident stating, “Lara is not the place for this inappropriate facility – it’s too close to our homes and schools,” the community is sending a clear message that they expect better planning and more thoughtful consideration of urban growth.
What’s Next?
As the conversation continues, the balance of feedback suggests that the community is leaning more toward protecting Geelong’s environment and future reputation over short-term economic gains. Whilst not universally opposed to Waste to Energy technology, it’s clear that the proposed location
Some see the potential for job creation and regional growth, while others view the project as a looming threat to health, the environment, and Geelong’s progressive identity.
The Geelong Chamber of Commerce remains committed to advocating for the interests of its members and ensuring that the voices of the community are heard in this critical decision-making process. With growing concerns over the project’s alignment with Geelong’s future goals, the Chamber will continue to facilitate discussions and push for greater transparency and consideration of all alternatives.
Special Event
The Chamber encourages the business community to stay informed and engaged as this critical debate continues to unfold. The Chamber is listening, and your feedback will help shape the future of Geelong.
The Geelong Chamber, in partnership with the Committee for Geelong and proudly supported by Bisinella and Riordan Grain invite you to attend our upcoming event – Lara Waste to Energy – Opportunity of threat and what impact on our region. Find out more here
Survey Results
To see the full survey results, click here